Official Web Manual


Gathering Items/Carving

You can gather many useful items while on a hunt. Gathering points will vary by map and Quest, but an icon will appear over certain stalks of grass, mushrooms, and other objects to indicate where you can gather. Press at these points to start gathering. When you've slain a monster, you can carve materials from it by pressing .

Some gathering points require specific items. If you don't have that specific item in your item pouch, you won't be able to gather from those points.


If you have a Pickaxe, you can mine in areas that are rich in ore. Pickaxes can break during use, so it's a good idea to bring a few of them with you.

Catching Bugs

If you have a Bugnet, you can catch insects wherever you see them flying around. Bugnets can break during use, so it's a good idea to bring a few of them with you.


You can fish at fishing points when out in the wild. Cast your lure by pressing , even if you don't have any bait. When you do have bait, such as Worms, you can add it to your lure by selecting it from the Item Bar and pressing .

Once you've cast your lure, fish will begin to gather towards it. Wait until you see a fish pull the lure below the surface, then reel it in by pressing .

When you use bait, there is a chance you'll catch rare fish, and maybe even monsters...?

Undertaking Quests
Quest Types
Guild Quests
Quest Rules
Hunting Large Monsters
Special Hunting Equipment
Gathering Items/Carving

*Note: All images are of the English version.
*Screen captures and images represent a version of the game still in development.
*3D effects can only be seen on an actual Nintendo 3DS System. Screen captures on his website were taken in 2D.
*3D effects may vary between individuals.

Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo 3DS logo are trademarks of Nintendo.