Official Web Manual


Guild Cards

Guild Cards contain information about your hunter and your progress through the game. From the menu, you can view, edit, and send your Guild Card.

*You will need at least 30 blocks free on your SD card to save Guild Cards from other players. During the game, please do not remove your SD card. You can save up to 100 Guild Cards.

Check your Guild Card

Use or to toggle through the pages and view your Weapon Usage, acquired Awards, and other records.

Edit your Guild Card

Edit the content of your Guild Card.


You can create a unique title for yourself by combining titles you have acquired. Titles can be acquired by downloading them or by completing Quests.


Set up your personalized greeting to other hunters (up to 26 characters).
*Your greeting can be seen by numerous people. Please refrain from including content that is illegal, offensive, personal, or that could infringe upon others' rights.
*Some characters and words cannot be used.


Customize your hunter's pose and the background of your Guild Card.


Register the equipment your hunter is wearing so that it is displayed on the Guild Card.

Sending/Receiving Guild Cards


Select Guild Cards from the menu and then select Send when you are playing with other players via local wireless or online to send your Guild Card. When you receive a Guild Card from another player, you can choose whether to save it or not.


To activate StreetPass, talk to the Courier in town. You can also save Guild Cards received from other players via StreetPass by talking to the Courier. You can view other players' Guild Cards by selecting Guild Cards from the menu, and then selecting Card List.

Menu Items
Panel Customization
Guild Cards

*Note: All images are of the English version.
*Screen captures and images represent a version of the game still in development.
*3D effects can only be seen on an actual Nintendo 3DS System. Screen captures on his website were taken in 2D.
*3D effects may vary between individuals.

Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo 3DS logo are trademarks of Nintendo.