Whenever you encounter monsters that are larger than normal, you can use special hunting equipment to help you take them down.
Special Hunting Equipment
A giant, stationary bowgun. It is very powerful and can fire over long distances, but it requires special ammo. One example of such ammo is Ballista Binder ammo, which can temporarily restrain monsters. While it is reusable, it has a cooldown period of a few minutes.
Using Ballistae
Finding and Load Ammo
Aim and Fire!
The Dragonator
Mechanical equipment fitted with a large spear for hunting monsters. Despite its short range, it's extremely powerful and can cause considerable damage to even the largest of monsters.
The Dragonator Switch
The Hunting Gong
The Fence Switch
When facing off against multiple monsters in the Arena, you can bring up a fence to separate them by hitting one of the switches on either side of the arena center. After a period of time, the fence will retract into the ground. Once you use the Fence Switch, there is a cooldown period before you can use it again, so use it wisely.

*Note: All images are of the English version.
*Screen captures and images represent a version of the game still in development.
*3D effects can only be seen on an actual Nintendo 3DS System. Screen captures on his website were taken in 2D.
*3D effects may vary between individuals.
Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo 3DS logo are trademarks of Nintendo.