Different Quests have different objectives, such as hunt a specific monster or gather and deliver a certain number of a specific item.
Quest Types
Hunting Quests
Slaying Quests
Quests that require you to kill the designated monsters. These often consist of slaying smaller monsters, though Quests to slay larger and more dangerous monsters will appear from time to time.
Capture Quests
Quests that require you to capture a monster alive. Accidentally slaying the monster will result in failing the Quest. To capture a monster, you'll need special items such as traps and Tranq Bombs.
Hunting Quests
Quests that don't require a specific hunting method. Either slaying or capturing the target will result in successfully clearing the Quest.
Gathering Quests
Quests that require the delivery of a set number of a designated item to the Delivery Box. Depending on the objective, these Quests can be just as dangerous as Hunting Quests. Therefore, make sure you are prepared for the possibility of encountering monsters.
For Harvest Tour Quests, you are free to gather as many items as you want until time expires, or until you deliver the Paw Pass Ticket provided in your Supply Box.
For Harvest Tour Quests, you are free to gather as many items as you want until time expires, or until you deliver the Paw Pass Ticket provided in your Supply Box.
Special Quests available at the Gathering Hall in Val Habar or the Assembly in Dundorma. Use the items and equipment provided to take down monsters as quickly as possible.
Expeditions/Guild Quests
Quests that send you to investigate the Everwood. After completing certain feats during Expeditions, special Quests known as Guild Quests will become available to you.

*Note: All images are of the English version.
*Screen captures and images represent a version of the game still in development.
*3D effects can only be seen on an actual Nintendo 3DS System. Screen captures on his website were taken in 2D.
*3D effects may vary between individuals.
Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo 3DS logo are trademarks of Nintendo.