Official Web Manual

Controls during Quests

Controls During a Quest (Hunter)

:Circle Pad

・Move character

:+Control Pad

・Adjust camera
・Select menu item

:A Button

・Climb wall
・Confirm selection
・Gather/Carve(Hold down to continuously gather or carve)

:B Button

・While moving/with weapon drawn: Evade
・Cancel selection
・Skip cutscene

:X Button

・Unsheathe weapon
・While moving: Draw attack (excluding Bowguns)

:Y Button

・Use item
・With weapon drawn: Sheathe weapon

:L Button

・Reset the camera to match the direction the player is facing (when using the Target Cam, it will focus on the monster)

or : Select item
or : Select Ammo or Coating (Gunner only)

:R Button

・Hold while moving: Dash
・With weapon drawn: Specialized weapon move

:R+A+B Buttons

・Perform Hunter Art 1

:ZL Button

Circle Pad Pro/New Nintendo 3DS family
・Perform Hunter Art 2 (can be changed in Options)

:ZR Button

Circle Pad Pro/New Nintendo 3DS family
・Perform Hunter Art 3 (can be changed in Options)

:START Button

・Open/close menu(Can be changed in Options)

Controls During a Quest (Prowler)

:Circle Pad

・Move character

:+Control Pad

・Adjust camera
・Select menu item

:A Button

・Climb wall
・Confirm selection
・Gather/Carve(Hold down to continuously gather/carve)
・With weapon drawn: Boomerang Attack
*With your weapon drawn, hold down for a charged Boomerang Attack.

:B Button

・While moving/with weapon drawn: Evade
・While holding : Burrow
・Cancel selection
*While underground, press to resurface.
・Skip cutscene

:X Button

・Draw weapon
・With weapon drawn: Attack
・While moving: Draw attack

:Y Button

・Support Move
(Press + with your weapon drawn to perform a Support Move)
・With weapon drawn: Sheathe weapon

:L Button

Reset the camera to match the direction the player is facing (when using the Target Cam, it will focus on the monster)

or : Select Support Move

:R Button

・With weapon drawn: Block
・While moving: Dash

Village/Hub: Controls
Village/Hub: Display
Controls during Quests
Top Screen during Quests
Touch Screen during Quests
Terrain-based Controls

*Screen captures and images represent a version of the game still in development.
*3D effects can only be seen on an actual Nintendo 3DS System. Screen captures on this website were taken in 2D.
*3D effects may vary between individuals.

Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo 3DS logo are trademarks of Nintendo.