Official Web Manual

Online Multiplayer

You can play with up to three other players via the Internet.


One Nintendo 3DS system is required for each player (up to 4 players)

One copy of Monster Hunter Generations is required for each player (up to 4 players)

Wireless Internet connection
You need to set up your system's Internet Settings in order to connect to the Internet.
*Please refer to the Nintendo 3DS Operations Manual for information on how to set up the Internet.

What You Can Do in Online Multiplayer

・Play Hunters Hub Quests, Arena Quests, and Challenge Quests with other players
・Send or receive items, Palicoes, Guild Cards, etc.
・Communicate via text chat (Shoutouts only during Quests)
・Send or receive friend requests

Setting Up Online Multiplayer

1. Touch the Hunters Hub icon on the World Map and select Multiplayer, talk to the Flight Cattendant, or travel directly to the Hunters Hub from Bherna and select Online Hunters Hub.

2. Select Online Play, then either Create Hub or Search Hubs.

Creating a Hunters Hub

Invite other players to join your Hunters Hub.

When creating your Hunters Hub, you can set up criteria for the type of hunters you want to play with by designating Hunter Type and Quest Type. If you set up a passcode, make sure your friends know what it is! All of these settings can be changed afterwards by selecting Settings & Search under Wireless Settings in the menu. The settings you can adjust are the same as in Local Play.

Searching for a Hunters Hub

Search and join Hunters Hubs via the Internet.

In the search results screen, the Hunters Hub name will appear. Select a Hub to view details such as the hunters currently in the Hub and Quest status.
(Press to search for Hubs again.)

Target Priority

Designate which monster you'd like to hunt.

Quest Type

Designate which Quest you'd like to do.

Host's Hunter Rank

Set the range of HR you want in your Hunters Hub. You can select any value between 1 and 999.

During a Quest

Set whether you want to show Hubs that are already in the middle of a Quest. If you select Don't Search, only Hunters Hubs that haven't departed on a Quest will be displayed.


If you select Don't Search, only Hunters Hubs with no passcodes set will be displayed.
If you select Search, only Hunters Hubs with passcodes set will be displayed.

Friend List

Search and join a friend's Hunters Hub.

If your friend is Available, then they are currently online playing the game. If your friend is marked as Recruiting!, that means they have sent you an invite.

If your friend has set their Hunters Hub passcode setting to Everyone, you will need a passcode to enter. However, if the passcode setting is set to Exclude Friends, if the host (marked by a red frame) is not on your friend list, you will need a passcode to enter.

If your friend is Unavailable, they are currently not online playing the game. Additionally, if your friend has set their system settings to hide their online status, even if they're playing online they will be shown as Unavailable.

Search by ID

If you want to search for specific Hunters Hubs online, enter a Hunters Hub ID. The Hunters Hub ID is displayed on the bottom right portion of the Top Screen when you press while in an Online Hunters Hub. While this is an easy way to get together with friends, if a passcode is set, other players will need to enter a passcode to join.
*The Hunters Hub ID is displayed only while not in a Quest.

Multiplayer Setup
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer
Hunters Hub Quests
Ignoring/Blocking Players
Wireless Settings

*Screen captures and images represent a version of the game still in development.
*3D effects can only be seen on an actual Nintendo 3DS System. Screen captures on this website were taken in 2D.
*3D effects may vary between individuals.

Nintendo 3DS and the Nintendo 3DS logo are trademarks of Nintendo.