
Early Development Ideas: Sakura

Early Development Ideas: Sakura

Sakura, the young girl who threw herself into the Street Fighting scene, chasing after the fighter she idolizes, Ryu. In SFV she's lost her school uniform look.
(It's still available as an alternate costume though.)

Going to the Gym Version This was Sakura before we decided to give her a professional outfit. She's working out at a gym while going to school.

Winter Outfit Version Here she's still a student. This is the winter variation of the outfit.

Chasing After Ryu Version Desperate for any information on Ryu sightings, Sakura has been constantly checking up on social media sites, and as a result her vision has gone bad. Check out her original Ryu goods that she made herself. The mizu yokan keychain shows a certain sense of style.

Lifesaver Version Anytime she finds a fallen, beat-up street fighter, she asks them if they know where Ryu is. Apparently, she's good at resuscitations.

Delivery and Sales Version Sakura is working a part-time job at a Japanese bento (boxed lunch) shop. She looks for people to challenge in a fight while on her deliveries. The "Cherry Blossom Rice Balls" that Sakura makes are secretly famous...although they don't look very appealing.

Motion Capture Version Sakura works as an assistant for a motion capture studio. She also helps out as an actor. The large, heroic headband is part of her equipment for playing in roles!

Weighted Training Version She started using weighted belts in order to give her punches more oomph. However, she kept upping the ante, and eventually ended up looking like this.

Mountain Climbing Guide Version She went to a mountain in search of Ryu, and was scouted by one of the climbing masters. She wears the red headband in order to stand out to distressed climbers in need of assistance.

Personal Clothes Version Clothes from her own personal closet for a more relaxed feel, but with the red headband to show her respect to Ryu.

More or Less Final Version We had her wearing tights as a possible variation.

So, what do you think? The schoolgirl outfit may be the strongest image associated with Sakura, but we went through a number of outfits through trial and error. I like the other professionally-themed outfits aside from the final one as well.

See you next time!

Takayuki Nakayama

【 音量を調整してお楽しみください 】





  • 道場はカジュアル勢からガチ勢だけでなく、どんな人達で集まりたいかを細かく設定することができるので、自分に合った仲間を見つけることができるぞ!同キャラ使いや同リーグの仲間を見つけ、互いに腕を磨こう!

  • Fighter's IDとTwitterアカウントの連携に対応!

  • 道場に入門するだけで、新ステージ「Dojo」が使用できるぞ! ※ゲーム中の「Dojo」ステージにはプレイヤー自身がカスタマイズした道場の情報が反映されます。(師範を含め、他の道場メンバーの設定内容が反映されることはありません)

  • 「Dojo」ステージはゲーム内コンテンツ、メナトの「気まぐれ占い」でプレイヤーが獲得した道場オブジェクトを使用してカスタマイズが可能!個性的なステージで対戦相手を驚かせれば、心理面で有利になること間違いなし!

  • SFVをいつも通りプレイしていると自然と「道場ポイント」が溜まるぞ! ※道場ポイント(DP)はアーケード・サバイバル・エクストラバトル・ランクマッチ・カジュアルマッチ・バトルラウンジをプレイすることで獲得できます。

  • 道場ランキングは道場メンバー全員の合計ポイントで決まるので、仲間と一緒に上位を目指してみよう!

  • 道場ランキングの上位になると特別な道場オブジェクトをプレゼント!道場に飾って対戦相手に自慢してやろう!



