Alternate Costumes: Holiday
Wow! The red outfit looks good on his chiseled frame and that version with the snowman earmuffs offers up a comically cute contrast. That championship belt...was he the winner of the Iwashigahama Christmas Special PPV?

As you can see, these designs are centered around a white cat. With the addition of a red hood, the costumes were very cute. We actually had some other costumes that were more focused on sexy ideas, but ultimately we decided to go for the cute look.

In contrast to Cammy's white cat, the idea for Menat was a black cat. In these sketches you can see a few color schemes that are different from the final version. It was a natural choice to go with a star for her crystal ball, which is one of the more iconic images of Christmas.

We didn't want all the costumes to be red, so we went with blue to have her stand out (never mind the other color variations...). We used Snegurochka, or the Snow Maiden from Russian fairy tales, for inspiration. And also, a certain princess who's never bothered by the cold, anyway.

...Shirtless with suspenders is kind of a Capcom tradition.
See you next time!
Takayuki Nakayama