Fighting All Stars
I worked together with Mr. Tanabe for 5 years at a different company. He's a great mentor, very easy to talk to. At the time as well, we always just talked about fighting games.
How Things Got Started

Mr. Tanabe, it's been awhile. About four years I believe.

It has been awhile.

Can I ask you about how Fighting All Stars got started?

The dev staff was looking for a place they could go to.

The team that made the game at the time, right?

He said he had just been looking for a team. He was starting up 2 projects.

I see. What was the other project?

Right before Fighting All Stars got started, there was another fighting game that got stopped during development...

I've seen several designs and models from it.

So, it was us trying to make use of that.

I see! It all ties together... lol

We had concepts like - let's make the characters stylish! Let's have a deep story!
Ryu was going to be in the game, and he already had model data, but we talked about changing up his design.

For D.D.'s 2P costume, he was wearing a jumpsuit that made him look like a motorcycle mechanic. I guess now, we call these alternate costumes?

But then there were a lot of people who felt like we'd taken things too far, so we gave up on it.


We wanted to make a game that was dramatic.

It was a dodge + counter attack, right?

The idea was to have continual dodging and attacking, which would have been cool. I wanted to have that exchange between dodging and attacking.
But then, one of the higher-ups called me into his office and said - "Do you think this design as-is would get us 4 weeks' worth of special feature coverage in Famitsu?"
All I could say was "I'll work harder." lol

That was harsh. lol What was the "Declaration of Victory*3" all about?

At the beginning of our plan, we talked about something to taunt the opponent before a fight. From there we came up with the "Declaration of Victory" term, and it sounded nice so we decided to run with it.
If a player did the "Declaration of Victory" it would be added to their score, and they'd get a special win pose.

One more - there was a time limit, right?

Story & Game World

Death was Ingrid's...something or the other, and there was a time limit on how long he could be together with her, who had a long lifespan. In an act of desperation, he rigged a bomb*5.
So, related to that, the game had a time limit*6. There were going to be multiple endings.

Do you mind if I ask you about Ingrid? Right now, she's got 3 different background stories...
Fighting All Stars
Capcom Fighting Evolution*7
Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX*8
They're all slightly different - in one she's from the future.

I guess it's because in Fighting All Stars, I wanted to make her an 80-year old "Lolita granny". lol

How far did you get in your development of Death? Was he implemented in game? I never saw him.

I was the one who decided his character background. Half of his face would be disfigured, and his body would be in shambles. He'd use moves that would emit dark matter.
I thought we could rely on the effects. lol
He's wearing a long coat*9, right? Making it look cool with the technology available at the time was quite the challenge.

Is there anything else you remember about the game world?

D.D. and Rook were modified to become Code Holders.
Ingrid possessed cells that give her longevity, and didn't become weak. Death had a short lifespan, but in return he could use parts of his body to become dark matter.
D.D.'s nickname was "Crimson Thunder", and he could attack using red-colored lightning bolts. He had the "+" and "-" marks on his gloves, one for each.
Luke could move at fast speeds. As for his name, we thought he was Japanese, cool is "ku-ru", so we just read it backwards to become "ru-ku", or "Luke". lol
This was over 10 years ago, so some parts of my memory may be fuzzy, but I'm pretty sure that's the gist of it.

We can't say their name, so we'll use asterisks. Was everything okay contractually?

Of course, we talked with the other party and had a contract. It's a character from my old place. Someone that is very well known. lol
At the time, we had someone on staff who did their original pixel art.
But even now, it remains a secret. lol
Why Wasn't It Released?

Having "Capcom" in the title was fine, it was the "Fighting All Stars" part I hated. I said, "at least let's call it Fighting Saga", but the response to that was "All Stars is what will sell!" lol

That's something I've often heard before. It's terrible. lol

This kind of thing leads to a difference in what the players impressions and expectations are, and what we wanted to make and our feelings in making it. That's just how heavy the meaning of "All Stars" is.

The development period was about one and a half years, right?

Then we thought to re-do it, and we increased our staff members for that purpose, but then it ended up getting canceled for several reasons.
...I've talked quite a bit about this game. Why did you want to talk about it?

Well...I wanted to give it a proper last rites and burial. lol

I felt that "Fighting All Stars" ended the way it did due to my inexperience. It caused problems to the company, and I'm sorry to the staff who worked hard on it, and everyone who helped us.
Even 10 years later, it's still a bit difficult to talk about. lol
However, I felt like I'd been saved a little bit when Ingrid appeared in Fighting Evolution.

Mr. Tanabe is a very kind person, with a deep love for games. Thank you very much for your time.
And thank you all for reading.
Takayuki Nakayama

Mr. Tanabe