Alternate Costumes: "Halloween" No. 2
A creepy big dude wearing a pig mask. There's a hook at the end of his chain for added fear factor. We had a lot of different ideas for his tattoos.

His fingers are syringes. The accessories really help to bring out his spooky flavor. ...Maybe he was a doctor in his previous life? (...wait, he's not dead...)

A red demon. Love the horns. The feathery cape is extravagant, giving him the true feeling of a boss.

An invisible man, who sort of looks like a mummy! We wanted to try making the wrapped bandages extend out.

We've covered most of the monsters who generally make up for Halloween, don't you think?
Vampire = Vega
Werewolf = Necalli
Frankenstein = Nash
Invisible Man = Dhalsim
Now all that's left is a merman.
We had a kappa before, does that count?
See you next time!
Takayuki Nakayama