
Alternate Costume Ideas 3

Alternate Costume Ideas

Hello everyone! Today I'd like to show you some ideas for alternate costumes that almost made it into the game. This time the costume ideas follow a certain...theme!

Hadou Burst secret12.jpg Fires a type of compressed energy from his hands, called "Hadou." Resolute in his strong sense of justice, he fights against an evil organization called "Dark Shadaloo." He was raised by a mountain hermit named Go-Ken.

The Atomic Hurricane secret13.jpg An American superhero. His special move, the Sonic Boom, cuts through the air like a knife. More of a realist, he often gets into arguments with his friend, Hadou Burst. He's fighting to save his friend, who has been captured by Dark Shadaloo.

Rear End Rainbow secret14.jpg An energetic girl who helps to brighten the mood. Her special move is a rainbow-colored energy beam called "Paradise Storm." Somewhat sensitive, she is known to cry easily, which makes her an easy target for ribbing from the Atomic Hurricane. She was saved by the superhero Crimson Cyclone when she was a child.

Kanzuki Dynamic Omega 9 secret15.jpg A genius scholar in a super suit that lets her fly around, even in outer space. This 9th version of the suit has greatly increased offensive capabilities. She's in a fierce competition to develop functional power suits with a rival scholar.

Psycho Shadow secret16.jpg The leader of the evil organization Dark Shadaloo, he is intent on world domination. He used to be a hero, but a certain incident drove him to become evil. He crushes his foes with his fearsome Psycho Power. His subordinates include Dr. 2, who uses poison, the cruel Flash Claw, and the insanely overpowered Dirty Bull.

Bullstar secret18.jpg One of the lowest-level grunts in the evil organization Dark Shadaloo. He loves eating, and money. His loyalties are prone to change with the wind. When he's hungry you can hear his stomach growling from a mile away.

Wonder Y.O.G.A. secret17.jpg A mysterious lifeform hailing from another planet. He has the power to levitate in mid-air, and teleportation. Is he a friend, or foe?!

Evil Storm 000ddd.jpg A curious woman who seems to be controlled by dark forces. She has no loyalties, choosing to fight purely for her own enjoyment. It seems there's a strange power concealed under her eyepatch...

So...what do you think?
You can consider this all from a parallel universe. We got a bit carried away there, didn't we? Sorry about that.

See you next time!

Takayuki Nakayama

【 音量を調整してお楽しみください 】





  • 道場はカジュアル勢からガチ勢だけでなく、どんな人達で集まりたいかを細かく設定することができるので、自分に合った仲間を見つけることができるぞ!同キャラ使いや同リーグの仲間を見つけ、互いに腕を磨こう!

  • Fighter's IDとTwitterアカウントの連携に対応!

  • 道場に入門するだけで、新ステージ「Dojo」が使用できるぞ! ※ゲーム中の「Dojo」ステージにはプレイヤー自身がカスタマイズした道場の情報が反映されます。(師範を含め、他の道場メンバーの設定内容が反映されることはありません)

  • 「Dojo」ステージはゲーム内コンテンツ、メナトの「気まぐれ占い」でプレイヤーが獲得した道場オブジェクトを使用してカスタマイズが可能!個性的なステージで対戦相手を驚かせれば、心理面で有利になること間違いなし!

  • SFVをいつも通りプレイしていると自然と「道場ポイント」が溜まるぞ! ※道場ポイント(DP)はアーケード・サバイバル・エクストラバトル・ランクマッチ・カジュアルマッチ・バトルラウンジをプレイすることで獲得できます。

  • 道場ランキングは道場メンバー全員の合計ポイントで決まるので、仲間と一緒に上位を目指してみよう!

  • 道場ランキングの上位になると特別な道場オブジェクトをプレゼント!道場に飾って対戦相手に自慢してやろう!



