
Second Round of Stages

The Cutting Room Floor

We're going to continue with some stage ideas that met their demise during the development of the game.
And trust me, we had a lot of ideas!

Russia: Weapons Factory bostustage1_00.jpg Looked similar to the rooftop of Shadaloo's headquarters, and it lacked flavor, so it got the boot!
The stone statues were pretty nice though...

Russia: Underground Wrestling Ring bostustage1_04.jpg This came real close to making the cut.
I really wanted Matryoshka dolls somewhere, so we reworked it.
The floor is iron, so I imagine Zangief's piledrivers would result in immediate death.

India: Street bostustage1_02.jpg Looooots of onlookers here! We actually had plans for 1500 of them!
But yeah, resource wise that wasn't going to work, and the staff said we couldn't get 30fps on this stage, much less 60fps, so we cut it.

Australia: Freight Train bostustage1_01.jpg Look at all those animals!
We had this idea that the train would be moving, so the background would constantly change.
But you know... we didn't have an Australian character, so... cut!

America: Backalley bostustage1_03.jpg Definitely not some place you'd like to end up.
The smoke and daylight makes it look really cool, though.
Who's that in the middle of the sketch, Nash!?
We liked the idea, but unfortunately we had to cut it.

Brazil: Botanical Garden bostustage1_05.jpg This stage closely resembles Blanka's old stage, don't you think? We thought that even though it's technically a garden, it should look more natural.
But we didn't have a good place for it, so it got cut.

Brazil: Under Construction bostustage1_06.jpg We thought that having a place where they would be building structure for the Rio Olympics would be cool, and easy to understand.
But the placing it here in terms of time would have made it hard to work with.

Brazil: Carnival bostustage1_07.jpg A lively, easy to understand stage! It almost makes you want to go to Brazil for their carnivals, right!?
But like some other ideas, it was too much of a resource hog.
But we did manage to get the samba dancers to appear in the current Brazil stage.

And that's it for today!
We had a lot of ideas for Brazil and Russian stages that unfortunately didn't make the cut. Oddly, we got the New Zealand stage done with one idea.
We also had some ideas for Guile's stage, which I might be able to show off sometime soon!

Takayuki Nakayama

【 音量を調整してお楽しみください 】





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