Woshige's Corner

STREET FIGHTER V AE 201804 Ver.調整開発対戦動画

第一試合 是空 vs ネカリ

1P 是空 2P ネカリ

【EX円盤の導き(通常版)】を Vトリガーでキャンセル可能となった為、 今までと違ったアプローチが行えるようになっています。

是空は、特定の必殺技の終わり際を【宿命】でキャンセル可能となった為、 コンボや連係中に老と若を自由に切り替える事が出来るようになっています。

第二試合 ケン vs ガイル

1P ケン 2P ガイル


第三試合 さくら vs かりん

1P さくら 2P かりん

さくらは【EX波動拳】がVトリガーでキャンセル可能となっています。 相手に触れるきっかけとして使用しやすくなっています。

かりんは【明王拳(Vスキル)】をコンボとして組み込みやすくなり、 Vゲージが能動的に溜めやすくなっています。

第四試合 春麗 vs 豪鬼

1P 春麗 2P 豪鬼


【 音量を調整してお楽しみください 】


Use Twitter to communicate with other Dojo members, and challenge other fighters to a battle! A great way to sharpen your skills!


The Dojo is a place where like-minded SFV fans can join forces.
All you need to do is to log in to the C.R.I. to join!

  • With detailed search settings, you can find groups of all sorts of players, from casuals, to serious players, and more! Join forces with people who use the same character, or are in the same league, and work together to improve your skills!

  • Can be linked with your Fighters ID and Twitter account, giving you quick ways to communicate!

  • You can use the Dojo stage simply by joining a Dojo! Note: The Dojo stage in-game can contain aspects customized by the individual player. An individual's Dojo stage cannot be customized by anyone else, including the Dojo Master and other Dojo members.

  • The Dojo stage can be customized with items obtained in-game, and through Menat's Fighting Chance! Surprise your opponent with your own personalized stage, start the mind games before the round even begins!

  • You will accumulate Dojo Points as you regularly play SFV! * Dojo Points can be obtained from playing the Arcade, Survival, Extra Battle, Ranked Match, Casual Match, and Battle Lounge game modes.
    * In one day, DP can only be obtained a maximum of 10 times for the Battle Lounge, per each difficulty in Arcade and Survival Modes, and by the total calculation of draws/losses in Ranked and Casual Matches.

  • The Dojo Ranking is calculated from the total Dojo Points from all the Dojo members. Work together with your friends to increase your Dojo ranking!

  • Dojos that earn the top ranking spot will get special Dojo items! Display them in the Dojo and show off to your opponents! Dojo Rankings will begin from October, 2018!

You must log in in order to utilize this Dojo.

In the basic settings, set the Join Authorization to "Not Needed," Join Requests to "Accepting," and the Maximum No. of Members to "100," and you can get a wide range of members! The more members, the bigger the chance you have to get a lot of Dojo Points!

Be strict with your desired league and LP ranking settings to gather similar members, and work together to polish your skills! A direct path to realizing your dreams!

An excellent method to increase communication opportunities. Speaking with your fists isn't the only way get your point across!