Delta Red

Their staff of 3,500 is split between the reconnaissance, airborne, and seaborne units.
Pretty big!
Here's a rundown of its members.

- Name: Keith Wolfman
- Height: 185cm
- Weight: 97kg
- Blood type: A
- Birthday: August 28
- Origin: UK
- Likes: Antiques, apple pie
- Dislikes: Writing reports and apologies

The scar on his face was earned when fighting in Spain, and is adept with the tonfa and other rod-like weapons.
His stories are always far too long.

- Name: Lita Luwanda
- Height: 176cm
- Weight: 63kg
- Blood type: B
- Birthday: March 9
- Origin: Mozambique
- Likes: Sharp objects, cocoa
- Dislikes: Spicy food, annoying formalities

- Name: Matthew McCoy
- Height: 213cm
- Weight: 213kg
- Blood type: A
- Birthday: August 18
- Origin: UK
- Likes : Renaissance art
- Dislikes: Burnt frying pans

- Name: George Ginzu
- Height: 159cm
- Weight: 61kg
- Blood type: Unknown
- Birthday: June 4
- Origin: Singapore
- Likes: Internet, manga, the occult
- Dislikes: Exercise

He carries Oracle, one of the unit's spies, on his head. We think Oracle may be some kind of alien...

They all look quite powerful...
Mr. F.A.N.G. sir! If you read this please send us more men urgently!
Network specialists above all!