Official Web Manual


*Screenshots are from the Xbox 360 version.

This is a one-on-one versus-style Mercenaries mode.

This mode is online-only (requires 2 screens).
Local spilt-screen play is unavailable.

Pull off as many combos as you can within the time limit.
The more combos you perform, the more creatures will appear on your opponent's screen.
Whoever defeats their opponent is the winner.
*Skills in this mode must be equipped in the Onslaught Skill Settings.

Skills equipped in other modes will not be applied.

Beginning Onslaught


From Play Game, select Extra Content and then Onslaught.


Select an option from the title screen.

Create GameCreate a session.

Join GameJoin a session.

Skill SettingsPurchase and customize skills for Onslaught.

LeaderboardsView rankings.

In Create Game

Adjust the following settings, and select Start Game.

MatchingRanked Match: Game results appear on the Leaderboards.
Player Match: Game results will not appear on the Leaderboards.

Location SettingsSearch for players based on location.
・All Regions
・Home Region

StageSelect a stage.

PlayersSet number of players.

Private SlotSet number of invited players.

In Join Game

Adjust the following criteria, and begin your search.

MatchingRanked Match: Game results appear on the Leaderboards.
Player Match: Game results will not appear on the Leaderboards.

Quick MatchQuickly join another player's game session.

Custom MatchSearch for a game session to join within a set of parameters.

The following parameters may be set for search in Custom Match:

Location SettingSearch for players based on location.

StageChoose the stage you want to play.


Adjust the following settings in the Lobby.


Use right stick up/down/left/right right stick up/down/left/right, or to enter the Character Select screen and select a character.


Select a stage with SELECTBACK.
(Only applies if you created the session.)


Change equipped skills with .
Note: You will need to purchase, customize, and equip skills in the Onslaught Skill Settings.


The game will begin when other players have entered the lobby and are ready (all settings have been adjusted), and the player that started the session presses .
*Players that joined a session cannot begin a game.

Other Actions in the Lobby

Use left stick left/rightleft stick left/right to select other players, and hold to view their dog tags.

The Game Screen

1Remaining Time

The match lasts ten minutes. Extensions are not possible.

2Remaining Health (Player)

Your health. You can check your status by the color of your gamertag and how the icon flashes.


Increases when you kill or send creatures.

4Creature Count

The number of creatures that you can send to your opponent. It increases by one for each creature you defeat.


Once it starts, it will flash for a set period of time until the combo ends.

6Combo Bonus +

This displays when you destroy an extended combo bonus object. While it is displayed, all creatures you kill will be counted towards a combo, regardless of timing.

7Attack Power

Your attack power goes up if you perform taunts, perform physical attacks and counters, or defeat creatures.

8Creature Stock

The number of creatures sent to you by your opponent that have yet to appear. Once your stock reaches 50, the creatures increase to maximum strength and your difficulty level changes to No Hope (highest difficulty). Bringing this number below 50 will revert the change.


Displays your equipped weapons and remaining health.

10Remaining Health (Opponent)

Your opponent's remaining health. You can check your opponent's status by the color of their gamertag and how the icon flashes.

Shaking: Taking damage
Violent Flashing: Dying

Gamertag color:
Green - healthy
Yellow - half-health
Red - remaining health is low

11Score (Opponent)

Increases when your opponent kills or sends creatures.

12Creature Count (Opponent)

The number of creatures that your opponent can send to you. It increases by one for each creature your opponent kills.

Onslaught Controls (Xbox 360 Controller)

Essentially the same as in campaigns. You can also perform taunts.


Taunt (send creature)
Press to send creatures to your opponent.


*These are the default controls. You can change controller settings in the options.
*To activate controller vibration, press the Xbox Guide button, go to Settings, Preferences, and then Vibration.

Onslaught Controls (PlayStation®3 Wireless Controller)

Essentially the same as in campaigns. You can also perform taunts.

1L2 button

Taunt (send creature)
Press to send creatures to your opponent.


*These are the default controls. You can change controller settings in the options.
*To activate controller vibration, you must press and hold PS and set the vibration feature to ON in the menu that appears.

Basic Game Rules

● The winner is decided within the ten-minute, one-round time limit.

● The game is played on two screens (split play not possible).

● You send creatures to your opponent's screen when you quickly kill creatures in succession on your screen (making a combo.)

● Whoever defeats their opponent with the creatures they send over is the winner.

● If time should run out while both players are still alive, the winner will be the player with the most points.

Sending Creatures

When you kill creatures and pull off combos, you will add creatures to your creature list.
These creatures will be sent to your opponent's screen when:

● Your combo chain ends
● You exceed 30 combos
● You perform a taunt


Perform a taunt with .

When you perform a taunt, you will end your combo and send the creatures in your creature count to your opponent's screen. 1

Your offensive power will also increase by 50%, and your physical combat gauge will recover as well. 2


Killing two creatures in succession within a certain timeframe creates a combo. By performing a combo, you will be able to send even stronger creatures over to your opponent.

Level 1: 1-15 combo

Level 2: 16-29 combo

Level 3: 30 combo

Combo Bonus

If you find and destroy the extended combo bonus object, you will be able to chain kills into a combo regardless of timing for 30 seconds.

30-Combo Finish

If you pull off a 30-combo chain, the combo will end and you will be able to send the strongest creatures over to your opponent. 1
Your offense (attack power) will also revert to its original level.2

Offense (Attack Power)

When you defeat creatures using physical attacks or counters, or when you perform taunts, your offense (attack power) will go up.

Your offense will max out at 300%.

If a creature damages you, your offense will go down by a set amount. It will not drop below 100%.


As you continue to defeat creatures, an extremely strong, fearsome creature known as a Guardian will appear. Defeat this creature and it will drop a powerful weapon.

Guardians differ depending on the stage.

Kill a Guardian and a high-powered weapon will appear!


● Use all characters and stages from The Mercenaries!
 Each character has special, Onslaught-only equipment,
 giving you a variety of ways to play!

● If you don't take out the creatures sent over to you, your stock of enemies goes up, along with their strength! Don't let this happen--finish off creatures as fast as you can!

● You earn points for defeating creatures or for sending them over to your opponent. Get more points for defeating powerful enemies or getting a high combo chain.

● Fight smart: use the explosive red drum cans to your advantage. Shoot these when enemies are near them to take out whole groups of baddies in one shot!

● You can pick up skill points from fallen enemies or find them inside of wooden crates.

● Take out Guardians to get a hold of some heavy firepower!

Downloadable Content (Xbox 360 Exclusive)

PlayStation family logo mark、"PlayStation"、PS3 and "PS4" are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.