
Third Round of Stages

The Cutting Room Floor

Let's take a look at some more stage ideas that didn't make it out of the development process. This time we're going to take a look at the Kanzuki family house. This place is huge...

Kanzuki Family House: Entrance kb00.jpg The family crest is still in the temporary phase. It's the Japanese kanji character for "kami" (god), which is the "Kan" in Kanzuki. The big lantern in the center is reminiscent of Asakusa, a famous tourism spot in Tokyo. This would have been a night stage.

Kanzuki Family House: Garden kb01.jpg Turn right at the entrance to enter the garden. There's a large pond on the left side. Check out the huge transport airplane. Only the Kanzuki family would have an airplane in their garden.

Kanzuki Family House: Hallway kb02.jpg These stairs lead from the first floor to the second. Just an ordinary hallway...but it is adorned with 108 suits of armor. The circle in the middle of the floor is an elevator that is used by the Kanzuki family ninjas.

Kanzuki Family House: Bath House kb03.jpg This is "Fushin Raijin," one of the 80 bath houses in the Kanzuki house. The hot water flows from the mouth of the Tengu in the center. Similar to the bath house in E. Honda's stage, this bath is good for easing muscle and joint pain, and warms up anyone who has the chills.

Kanzuki Family House: Recreation Room kb8.jpg Those birds aren't being seen through a window - that's a super-huge TV monitor. It's not just for Karin, but all workers at the house can use this room for their enjoyment. There's also other games set up, such as bowling, ping pong, and a pool table.

Kanzuki Family House: Rooftop kb04.jpg Rooftop with a helipad. The Kanzuki family house is 80 stories tall, so anyone who makes it up to the roof will be treated to an amazing view of Mt. Fuji and Tokyo.

And that just about covers it! The Kanzuki family house is a gorgeous piece of architecture, mixing both Japanese and western styles. We could make 20 stages just from the Kanzuki family house.

Takayuki Nakayama

【 音量を調整してお楽しみください 】





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