Inquires about Games and Products (Not Web Services)

About Ambassadors

  • You can check your Ambassador Card and the points required to increase your rank on the top of My PROFILE.

  • Earning points and ranking up may take several days to be reflected.

    Furthermore, points can be earned only through posts made on linked X and Instagram accounts. Posts on X or Instagram accounts that are not linked will not earn any points, so we recommend linking all of your actively used accounts.

  • You are not able to unregister from just your Resident Evil Ambassador Program.

  • If you are using iOS (iPhone / iPad), the following settings are required to use the "Resident Evil Ambassador Program".

    * Please make your own judgment regarding the implementation of this operation.


    For Safari

    Select [Settings]-> [Safari] -> If "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" is enabled, change it to "Disabled".


    For other browsers

    Please refer to the setting method of "For Safari" and turn on "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking" function on the setting screen.


    *The "Resident Evil Ambassador Program" may not be available on browsers that cannot make the same or similar settings.

  • To log in with a Resident Evil Ambassador Program account, the account must be linked with the CAPCOM ID you use to log in to the Resident Evil Portal.

  • Your X account cannot be linked because it is already tied to your existing Ambassador Program account.

Communication error (Error Code: UAP0001)

For those who use App (for iOS)
If you are using App (for iOS), the following settings are required to use the "Resident Evil Ambassador Program".
* Please make your own judgment regarding the implementation of this operation.