Cet événement est terminé
Visez le plus haut score sur la carte "Les entrailles de la terre" dans le mode Mercenaire ! Les meilleurs remporteront un prix.Visez le plus haut score sur la carte "La structure de métal" dans le mode Mercenaire ! Les meilleurs remporteront un prix.
*The graph displays the information from the previous 24 hours.
18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | |
1 |
Grexor13051154748 |
Grexor13051154748 |
Grexor13051154748 |
Danteblack9401196406 |
GiftedLeech791345005 |
GiftedLeech791345005 |
GiftedLeech791345005 |
GiftedLeech791345005 |
2 |
Wo0kie538903140 |
Wo0kie538903140 |
kimanu1125202 |
Grexor13051154748 |
Danteblack9401196406 |
Danteblack9401196406 |
Danteblack9401196406 |
Danteblack9401196406 |
3 |
Coldfive1540200 |
Coldfive1540200 |
Wo0kie538903140 |
kimanu1125202 |
Grexor13051154748 |
Grexor13051154748 |
Grexor13051154748 |
Grexor13051188446 |
4 |
Terrytorio 9999518180 |
Terrytorio 9999518180 |
Coldfive1540200 |
Wo0kie538903140 |
kimanu1125202 |
kimanu1125202 |
kimanu1125202 |
kimanu1125202 |
5 |
wingsplitter273841 |
wingsplitter273841 |
Terrytorio 9999518180 |
Coldfive1540200 |
Wo0kie538903140 |
Wo0kie538903140 |
Wo0kie538903140 |
Wo0kie538903140 |
date_time | 18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 |
Grexor1305 | 13|1154748 | 13|1154748 | 13|1154748 | 12|1154748 | 11|1154748 | 11|1154748 | 11|1154748 | 11|1188446 |
Wo0kie538 | 12|903140 | 12|903140 | 11|903140 | 10|903140 | 9|903140 | 9|903140 | 9|903140 | 9|903140 |
Coldfive1 | 11|540200 | 11|540200 | 10|540200 | 9|540200 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 |
Terrytorio 9999 | 10|518180 | 10|518180 | 9|518180 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 |
wingsplitter | 9|273841 | 9|273841 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 |
kimanu | 0|0 | 0|0 | 12|1125202 | 11|1125202 | 10|1125202 | 10|1125202 | 10|1125202 | 10|1125202 |
Danteblack940 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 13|1196406 | 12|1196406 | 12|1196406 | 12|1196406 | 12|1196406 |
GiftedLeech79 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 13|1345005 | 13|1345005 | 13|1345005 | 13|1345005 |
*The graph displays the information from the previous 24 hours.
18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | |
1 |
Pedzx196860 |
Pedzx196860 |
Pedzx196860 |
Pedzx205970 |
Pedzx205970 |
Pedzx205970 |
Pedzx205970 |
Pedzx205970 |
2 |
Luis148840 |
Luis148840 |
Luis148840 |
Luis148840 |
Luis148840 |
Luis148840 |
Luis148840 |
Luis148840 |
3 |
momonsun99230 |
momonsun99230 |
momonsun99230 |
momonsun99230 |
momonsun99230 |
momonsun99230 |
momonsun99230 |
momonsun99230 |
4 |
lLucho88920 |
lLucho88920 |
lLucho88920 |
lLucho88920 |
lLucho88920 |
lLucho88920 |
lLucho88920 |
lLucho88920 |
5 |
date_time | 18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 |
Pedzx | 13|196860 | 13|196860 | 13|196860 | 13|205970 | 13|205970 | 13|205970 | 13|205970 | 13|205970 |
Luis | 12|148840 | 12|148840 | 12|148840 | 12|148840 | 12|148840 | 12|148840 | 12|148840 | 12|148840 |
momonsun | 11|99230 | 11|99230 | 11|99230 | 11|99230 | 11|99230 | 11|99230 | 11|99230 | 11|99230 |
lLucho | 10|88920 | 10|88920 | 10|88920 | 10|88920 | 10|88920 | 10|88920 | 10|88920 | 10|88920 |
*The graph displays the information from the previous 24 hours.
18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | |
1 |
alsan378888888 Ash10078888888 |
alsan378888888 Ash10078888888 |
alsan378888888 Ash10078888888 |
燃烧の世界8888888 alsan378888888 Ash10078888888 |
燃烧の世界8888888 alsan378888888 Ash10078888888 |
燃烧の世界8888888 alsan378888888 Ash10078888888 |
燃烧の世界8888888 alsan378888888 Ash10078888888 |
燃烧の世界8888888 alsan378888888 Ash10078888888 |
2 | ||||||||
3 |
Hakagi2099245 |
Hakagi2099245 |
Hakagi2099245 |
4 |
abby78551330207 |
abby78551330207 |
abby78551330207 |
Hakagi2099245 |
Hakagi2099245 |
Hakagi2099245 |
Hakagi2099245 |
Hakagi2099245 |
5 |
swat_1lia1288307 |
swat_1lia1288307 |
swat_1lia1288307 |
abby78551330207 |
abby78551330207 |
QuakeMan1340802 |
QuakeMan1340802 |
QuakeMan1340802 |
date_time | 18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 |
alsan37 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 |
Ash1007 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 |
Hakagi | 11|2099245 | 11|2099245 | 11|2099245 | 10|2099245 | 10|2099245 | 10|2099245 | 10|2099245 | 10|2099245 |
abby7855 | 10|1330207 | 10|1330207 | 10|1330207 | 9|1330207 | 9|1330207 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 |
swat_1lia | 9|1288307 | 9|1288307 | 9|1288307 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 |
燃烧の世界 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 | 13|8888888 |
QuakeMan | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 9|1340802 | 9|1340802 | 9|1340802 |
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