Este evento ha finalizado
¡Conseguid la máxima puntuación posible en el escenario "Última estación" del modo Mercenarios! Un premio bastante suculento aguarda a los vencedores. ¿Os conocéis lo suficiente el mapa?
*The graph displays the information from the previous 24 hours.
18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | |
1 |
kimanu1151643 |
kimanu1151643 |
kimanu1151643 |
kimanu1151643 |
Wo0kie5381174647 |
GiftedLeech791376608 |
GiftedLeech791376608 |
GiftedLeech791376608 |
2 |
Wo0kie5381124808 |
Wo0kie5381124808 |
Wo0kie5381124808 |
Wo0kie5381124808 |
kimanu1151643 |
Wo0kie5381174647 |
Wo0kie5381174647 |
Wo0kie5381174647 |
3 |
Denji 953386 |
Denji 953386 |
Denji 953386 |
Denji 953386 |
Denji 953386 |
kimanu1151643 |
kimanu1151643 |
kimanu1151643 |
4 |
地獄の沙汰も銭次第934340 |
地獄の沙汰も銭次第934340 |
地獄の沙汰も銭次第934340 |
地獄の沙汰も銭次第934340 |
地獄の沙汰も銭次第934340 |
Denji 953386 |
Denji 1112142 |
地獄の沙汰も銭次第1136347 |
5 |
GiftedLeech79346300 |
GiftedLeech79346300 |
GiftedLeech79346300 |
GiftedLeech79850542 |
GiftedLeech79850542 |
地獄の沙汰も銭次第934340 |
地獄の沙汰も銭次第934340 |
Denji 1112142 |
date_time | 18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 |
kimanu | 13|1151643 | 13|1151643 | 13|1151643 | 13|1151643 | 12|1151643 | 11|1151643 | 11|1151643 | 11|1151643 |
Wo0kie538 | 12|1124808 | 12|1124808 | 12|1124808 | 12|1124808 | 13|1174647 | 12|1174647 | 12|1174647 | 12|1174647 |
Denji | 11|953386 | 11|953386 | 11|953386 | 11|953386 | 11|953386 | 10|953386 | 10|1112142 | 9|1112142 |
地獄の沙汰も銭次第 | 10|934340 | 10|934340 | 10|934340 | 10|934340 | 10|934340 | 9|934340 | 9|934340 | 10|1136347 |
GiftedLeech79 | 9|346300 | 9|346300 | 9|346300 | 9|850542 | 9|850542 | 13|1376608 | 13|1376608 | 13|1376608 |
*The graph displays the information from the previous 24 hours.
18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | |
1 |
El mata zakuras242960 |
El mata zakuras242960 |
El mata zakuras242960 |
El mata zakuras242960 |
El mata zakuras242960 |
El mata zakuras242960 |
El mata zakuras242960 |
El mata zakuras242960 |
2 |
SnippyBrush92 104710 |
momonsun112440 |
momonsun112440 |
momonsun112440 |
momonsun112440 |
momonsun112440 |
momonsun112440 |
momonsun112440 |
3 |
SnippyBrush92 104710 |
SnippyBrush92 104710 |
SnippyBrush92 104710 |
SnippyBrush92 104710 |
SnippyBrush92 104710 |
SnippyBrush92 104710 |
SnippyBrush92 104710 |
4 | ||||||||
5 |
date_time | 18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 |
El mata zakuras | 13|242960 | 13|242960 | 13|242960 | 13|242960 | 13|242960 | 13|242960 | 13|242960 | 13|242960 |
SnippyBrush92 | 12|104710 | 11|104710 | 11|104710 | 11|104710 | 11|104710 | 11|104710 | 11|104710 | 11|104710 |
momonsun | 0|0 | 12|112440 | 12|112440 | 12|112440 | 12|112440 | 12|112440 | 12|112440 | 12|112440 |
*The graph displays the information from the previous 24 hours.
18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 | |
1 |
DWELT781490604 |
DWELT781490604 |
DWELT781490604 |
DWELT781490604 |
DWELT781490604 |
DWELT781490604 |
DWELT781490604 |
CamiloXtox2226246 |
2 |
D_Overlord1322769 |
D_Overlord1322769 |
D_Overlord1322769 |
D_Overlord1322769 |
D_Overlord1322769 |
QuakeMan1354708 |
abby78551417602 |
DWELT781490604 |
3 |
野兽先辈1199455 |
野兽先辈1199455 |
野兽先辈1199455 |
野兽先辈1199455 |
野兽先辈1199455 |
D_Overlord1322769 |
GiftedLeech791366501 |
abby78551417602 |
4 |
NovaXZ1196308 |
NovaXZ1196308 |
NovaXZ1196308 |
NovaXZ1196308 |
NovaXZ1196308 |
mcgregor0231266401 |
QuakeMan1354708 |
GiftedLeech791366501 |
5 |
creil1161241 |
creil1161241 |
creil1161241 |
Vigoor(64)1166706 |
Vigoor(64)1166706 |
野兽先辈1199455 |
野兽先辈1323558 |
QuakeMan1354708 |
date_time | 18:00 | 21:00 | 00:00 | 03:00 | 06:00 | 09:00 | 12:00 | 15:00 |
DWELT78 | 13|1490604 | 13|1490604 | 13|1490604 | 13|1490604 | 13|1490604 | 13|1490604 | 13|1490604 | 12|1490604 |
D_Overlord | 12|1322769 | 12|1322769 | 12|1322769 | 12|1322769 | 12|1322769 | 11|1322769 | 0|0 | 0|0 |
野兽先辈 | 11|1199455 | 11|1199455 | 11|1199455 | 11|1199455 | 11|1199455 | 9|1199455 | 9|1323558 | 0|0 |
NovaXZ | 10|1196308 | 10|1196308 | 10|1196308 | 10|1196308 | 10|1196308 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 |
creil | 9|1161241 | 9|1161241 | 9|1161241 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 |
Vigoor(64) | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 9|1166706 | 9|1166706 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 |
QuakeMan | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 12|1354708 | 10|1354708 | 9|1354708 |
mcgregor023 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 10|1266401 | 0|0 | 0|0 |
abby7855 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 12|1417602 | 11|1417602 |
GiftedLeech79 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 11|1366501 | 10|1366501 |
CamiloXtox | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 0|0 | 13|2226246 |
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