
The Resident Evil Brand/Services survey is now live!

The Resident Evil Brand/Services survey is now live!

The survey for the Resident Evil brand and related services went live today.

If interested, please click the Answer Survey Questions button below, and check the survey outline before beginning the survey.

If you are a registered member of the Resident Evil Ambassador Program, you will receive 10 Ambassador Points for taking the survey.

We hope to use feedback from the survey to improve our services.
We look forward to hearing from you!

Implementation period
July 1, 2024 (JST)- July 31, 2024 23:59 PM (JST)
June 30, 2024 (PDT)- July 31, 2024 7:59 AM (PDT)

Receiving Ambassador Points
- If you are a member of the "Resident Evil Ambassador Program" (hereinafter referred to as "Ambassador"), you will receive the Resident Evil Ambassador Program point(s) by entering your Ambassador ID when you respond to the survey.
 In addition, the content and specifications of the point(s) are subject to the Terms and Conditions on the Use of the‘Resident Evil Ambassador Program’.
- Points will be awarded around early August 2024.
Regarding the Handling of Personal Information
- Personal information collected from survey respondents will be used solely for the implementation/tally of the surveys and other necessary correspondences purposes.
 In addition, if a survey respondent is an Ambassador, the personal information collected from the survey respondent will be used to reward the Ambassador with the Resident Evil Ambassador Program point(s) and identify/count the Ambassador's participation in the survey.

- Besides, the handling of personal information will be in accordance with the terms set forth in the Privacy Policy which can be found on the Company's official website.
 Handling of the Ambassador's personal information will be in accordance with the terms set forth separately in the"Terms and Conditions on the Use of the 'Resident Evil Ambassador Program' and Handling of Personal Information".

 We might send out a request to fill out another survey over e-mail at a later date to those who've replied to this survey.

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