Di0XiDe's stats
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Game Completion ChartTotal players:371,009
- All(Rank:293213/371009)
Completion Count Rank 2 25712 293213 4 21163 272050 6 12978 259072 8 13843 245229 9 11154 234075 11 8658 225417 13 6319 219098 15 4942 214156 16 3921 210235 18 3524 206711 20 3371 203340 22 3094 200246 23 2951 197295 25 2749 194546 27 2626 191920 29 2595 189325 30 2363 186962 32 2075 184887 34 1885 183002 36 2185 180817 37 2776 178041 39 3588 174453 41 4825 169628 43 7344 162284 44 10247 152037 46 12269 139768 48 13190 126578 50 12269 114309 51 9366 104943 53 6034 98909 55 3570 95339 57 2444 92895 58 1852 91043 60 1759 89284 62 1897 87387 64 2532 84855 65 3194 81661 67 4374 77287 69 5237 72050 71 5770 66280 72 5398 60882 74 4502 56380 76 3672 52708 78 3111 49597 79 2735 46862 81 2654 44208 83 2634 41574 85 2585 38989 86 2528 36461 88 2377 34084 90 2250 31834 92 2219 29615 93 2146 27469 95 2361 25108 97 2727 22381 99 4698 17683 100 17682 1
- 0%
- 12%
- 0%
Weapons unlocked
Creatures encountered
Game progress
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Defeat a zombie -
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Finish the game using Chris
Finish the game using Jill
Finish the game on Very Easy difficulty or higher
Finish the game on Easy difficulty or higher
Finish the game on Normal difficulty or higher
Finish the game in 3 hours
Finish the game in 5 hours
Finish the game using only your knife (any character / difficulty)
Finish the game without saving
Obtain Chris costume 01
Obtain Chris costume 02
Obtain Jill costume 01
Obtain Jill costume 02
Visit all places on all maps
Burn up a zombie
Die for the first time