Cristiano7209's stats
- User Records
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- Xbox One®Records
Game Completion ChartTotal players:370,820
- Tutti(Posizione:245129/370820)
Completion Count Posizione 2 25703 293068 4 21147 271921 6 12971 258950 8 13821 245129 9 11149 233980 11 8651 225329 13 6314 219015 15 4935 214080 16 3924 210156 18 3523 206633 20 3370 203263 22 3093 200170 23 2957 197213 25 2748 194465 27 2619 191846 29 2593 189253 30 2365 186888 32 2075 184813 34 1885 182928 36 2182 180746 37 2775 177971 39 3587 174384 41 4820 169564 43 7346 162218 44 10242 151976 46 12266 139710 48 13185 126525 50 12266 114259 51 9359 104900 53 6031 98869 55 3567 95302 57 2444 92858 58 1851 91007 60 1759 89248 62 1894 87354 64 2532 84822 65 3197 81625 67 4375 77250 69 5239 72011 71 5765 66246 72 5395 60851 74 4500 56351 76 3672 52679 78 3108 49571 79 2734 46837 81 2653 44184 83 2632 41552 85 2582 38970 86 2526 36444 88 2380 34064 90 2248 31816 92 2216 29600 93 2145 27455 95 2363 25092 97 2727 22365 99 4695 17670 100 17669 1
- 9%
- 12%
- 6%
Weapons unlocked
Creatures encountered
Game progress
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Defeat a zombie -
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Finish the game using Chris
Finish the game using Jill
Finish the game on Very Easy difficulty or higher
Finish the game on Easy difficulty or higher
Finish the game on Normal difficulty or higher
Finish the game in 3 hours
Finish the game in 5 hours
Finish the game using only your knife (any character / difficulty)
Finish the game without saving
Obtain Chris costume 01
Obtain Chris costume 02
Obtain Jill costume 01
Obtain Jill costume 02
Visit all places on all maps
Burn up a zombie
Die for the first time