Capcom Select Language


Use I.C.O.N.s to communicate your thoughts and status to other players during a match.

Start Notice

Use I.C.O.N.s at the beginning of a match to come up with your battle strategy or show your intent.

Status I.C.O.N.

Displays real-time information to allies during battle.

① Zombie Jammer Status

② Health

③ Action

Indicates whether a player is performing an action, such as climbing a wall or taking cover. It also shows the currently equipped weapon.

④ Name

Emote I.C.O.N.

Can be used to display battle tactics and emotions during battle. Use the Touch Pad to bring up the I.C.O.N. menu. Then use the directional buttons to select from a list of categories: A, B, C, and SN. Use the right stick to select and press the R3 button to confirm.
Note: SN I.C.O.N.s are the Start Notice I.C.O.N.s and cannot be customized.

Extra Emote I.C.O.N.s

There are many Emote I.C.O.N.s with a variety of special animations and sounds. Players will gain more I.C.O.N.s as they level up.