
Early Development Ideas: Ed

Early Development Ideas: Ed

Hello everyone! Ed was just recently released, so I'd like to share a few of the rough sketches for the new designs we had for him. We wanted a look different than that of the general story.

Military Version Ed in a simple military uniform. We thought about changing the hat. If you look closely you'll see that his sleeves are torn. Sort of a shout-out to Balrog.

Gold Arm Gauntlet Version A left/right asymmetric design. He's got a golden gauntlet on his left arm to make his punches stand out.

Reformed Body Version Through drugs and other procedures, he's really hulked out. It looks weird seeing his young face together with his buff body. He's got a machine in his stomach that amplifies his Psycho Power.

Focused on the Music Version He fights while listening to classical music. This is in order to block out all other noises and just concentrate on the fight.

Alternate Costume Version This design made it to the final stages. It's pretty cool, so we made it one of his alternate costumes. The gold chain is reminiscent of Balrog, and the red uniform coat is like M. Bison's.

So, what do you think?
We came up many variations of the theme boxer + Psycho Power + youth. But since its tradition in the Street Fighter universe that boxers have to wear their boxing gloves at all time (...really?), we'd like him to adhere to those principles (alternate costumes excluded, of course).

See you next time!

Takayuki Nakayama

【 音量を調整してお楽しみください 】





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  • 「Dojo」ステージはゲーム内コンテンツ、メナトの「気まぐれ占い」でプレイヤーが獲得した道場オブジェクトを使用してカスタマイズが可能!個性的なステージで対戦相手を驚かせれば、心理面で有利になること間違いなし!

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  • 道場ランキングは道場メンバー全員の合計ポイントで決まるので、仲間と一緒に上位を目指してみよう!

  • 道場ランキングの上位になると特別な道場オブジェクトをプレゼント!道場に飾って対戦相手に自慢してやろう!



